Touch Your Toes!™

Are stiff joints and tight muscles getting in your way?

A guided approach can help you get rid of the tension and get your life back

Do any of the following statements describe you?

My back often feels stiff or tight.
My lower back starts to ache if I sit or stand for a period of time.
I have muscle aches at the neck and/or shoulders.

All of the symptoms above are uncomfortable.

You might feel restricted, distracted, or unable to do the things you want to do because of the tension in your body. You avoid joining activities that require you to stand or walk for an extended period of time. You feel lethargic but are too uncomfortable to start to exercise.

You might even be unable to touch your toes.

These symptoms are often correlated with stiffness in the back and legs, making your unable to touch the toes. They are commonly caused by tension and tightness in the muscles of the neck, shoulders, back, and legs.

The tension in your body is limiting the range of motion of your joints.

  • Having a limited range of motion makes it difficult for you to do daily tasks easily, such as playing with your children, carrying bags of groceries, or even bending down or leaning over a counter to pick up something.
  • Being unable to stretch easily also limits your performance when playing sports, or even in activities such as running or swimming.
  • You also have a higher risk of straining or injuring your muscles.

It’s still possible for you to touch your toes again (and get your life back).

Perhaps it’s been many years since you last managed to bend forward to touch your toes. Or, you may not remember having touched your toes before. It sounds incredible that you’ll be able to do so again.

Research shows that a systematic programme of stretching, combined with strength training, can help to improve joint suppleness and range of motion, and muscular flexibility.

It’s still possible for you to touch your toes again (and get your life back).

  • Learn and practise exercises to release tension in the body accumulated from long hours of sitting.
  • Stretch and release tight muscles
  • Move the joints through their full range of motion
  • Strengthen muscles that are weak from under-use, thereby stabilizing the joints
  • Balance both the left and right sides of the body, and opposing muscle groups
  • Follow through with a simple, 10-minute daily practice that you will learn.

It will allow you to

1 Improve your spinal flexibility
2 Release tension in your back
3 Feel more energized

“To me, yoga was just about poses and contorting myself in various positions.”

“Before joining the programme, my perception of yoga is that it is quite boring and passé. To me, yoga was just about poses and contorting myself in various positions. What’s the point? I didn’t know how those poses would help me. I’d rather have a good workout and sweat.
Now, after joining the programme, I know the significant results that I can get from yoga, that yoga can be very good.
I can see the results for myself. I wasn’t able to touch my toes before I started the programme. Today, at the tenth session, I can touch my toes easily. In fact, I think I can touch beyond my toes. I think I am more flexible now. I know how to stretch the muscles in the various parts of my body. I’d recommend this programme because it yields results, so it’s good for personal well-being and for health. And, the sessions are very informative. Thank you!” – Eddie Sim

Touch Your Toes!

The programme includes
  • 12 weekly 75-minute in-person sessions
  • weekly guided review of your progress
  • measurement of your flexibility before and after the programme
  • a home practice that you can continue with after the programme

The “We’ll Make Sure You Can Do It” Guarantee

If you participate fully in the programme (by attending all the in-person sessions and following through with the daily home practice), but don’t feel that anything has changed and your flexibility has not improved at the end of the programme, you can repeat the programme at no charge.


“When I joined other yoga classes, I didn’t know the details of the poses because we just went through the motions very quickly. In this programme, I found it useful that we went through everything slowly, so that we can learn the correct poses. The result? I can sense the improvement in my body when I exercise. I feel myself getting more flexible and can stretch better over the course of the programme.
The pace is comfortable and it is not too strenuous. I especially liked that we take proper time for each pose, which to me is more important than merely going through the motions.” – Lee Yishan
“Before the first lesson, I was afraid that I might be unable to cope with the exercise due to my shoulder injury. But I was wrong; I managed to do most of the poses as Sook Han took us through the exercises slowly, with detailed explanations. After the lesson, I realised that I was more relaxed and slept very soundly that evening.
Thereafter, I look forward to the yoga lesson and also make an effort to practise at home every evening. Very soon, I noticed that my shoulder muscle flexibility improved and I experience lesser pain while doing shoulder stretching. The stiffness at the neck has also improved. What I found most amazing is that the exercises help to tone the body.
I would highly recommend this programme to people who like low impact exercise, those who want to stretch to loosen their muscles, as well as those who want to tone their body. Yoga also helps to improve blood circulation.” – Doris Mok
Read about the experience of other participants here.

Have a question?

Do get in touch at if you’d like more information about the programme, or to enquire about the starting date of the next run of this programme.

The Touch Your Toes!™ programme includes

12 weekly 75-minute in-person sessions
weekly guided review of your progress
measurement of your flexibility before and after the programme
a home practice that you can continue with after the programme