Thursday, 31 May 2012

How Riding an ATV reminded me of Surrender in Yoga (and in Life)

The red ATV that I rode

First Experience on an ATV!

Last Saturday, I travelled north to Kuala Lumpur with a meetup group to ride an ATV (All Terrain Vehicle, a.k.a. a quad bike) up and down some exciting slopes around the lake formed by the Klang Dam. 

During the briefing before we were let loose on the ATVs, we were told that the trail that we would take was the second most dangerous one there. 2 feet away from the edge of the trail was a drop down a ravine. We were all beginners!

I was spooked. The fear of driving off track into a ravine kept me on my toes throughout the ride.

Despite that, I caught myself losing concentration several times. Each time, I got stuck halfway up a slope, or drove myself into the greenery at the side of the trail, or started to skid crazily down a slope. 

I was reminded of the times my mind wandered in the middle of a balancing pose in yoga and lost my balance.

Losing Control

The trail was obviously no "walk in the park". Furthermore, we were beginners. We took 4 hours to complete a circuit that would take 2 to 2.5 hours on average.

At the umpteenth time that I skidded crazily down a slippery mud slope, trying desperately to press on the brakes with both hands while the guide shouted "pump, pump, pump" (referring to the pumping action that I was supposed to adopt to engage the brake more effectively) in the background, I distinctly felt that more than one wheel was off the ground.

I was losing control.

I was flying. 

(Rather, the ATV that I was in was flying through the air.)

Granted, it was only for a brief moment (there were several such moments). But, the fear that I felt, mixed with exhilaration, was palpable.

After struggling with the technicalities to retain "full control" of my experience for so long, I had finally experienced the thrill of the ride. 

That was when I realised that part of the adventure came from losing control at certain times. 

At those times, in mid-air, no matter how hard I tried to steer, or accelerate, or press on the brakes, it had no effect.

In fact, the key is to be present and enjoy those moments.


I've read often of the concept of "surrender" in yoga. 

Especially in "gravity" poses, such as forward bends, the yoga practitioner is reminded to relax and let gravity do the work, instead of struggle and push, which would cause the muscles to contract. One should just get into the correct alignment, then surrender control and observe what the body is allowing one to do that day.

In a similar way, the rider had to get the ATV in the right position, or build up enough momentum to go upslope, or press the brakes hard enough to keep a safe speed. Then, when the time came and the wheels left the ground, one just needed to enjoy the ride.

I think there were times in my life when I struggled too hard to keep everything "under control", when I could have had the opportunity to "enjoy the ride" by surrendering instead.

Like it is said in Buddhism, when the conditions are suitable, the seeds of your karma will ripen.

What about you?

Have you had a similar experience? Or any revelations to share?

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